Saturday, October 20, 2007

Final Countdown.

Until last Monday, we were perfectly content to bide our time and wait for Number One to arrive as a Scorpio. Sure, we hoped she might come a few days early and be born on Halloween, but we (well, at least I) weren't expecting her to arrive in Week 37 (or 38 - is the due date the last day or first day of Week 40?).

Anyway, since Dr. told us she could come literally at any moment, the pressure's been on. Every time the phone rings, I expect it to be SuperWife calling for her ride to the hospital. So far, though, no dice.

Maybe a haiku will help:

Come out Number One
Everyone wants to meet you
And womb rent is due

1 comment:

The Whistler's said...

The due date is the first day of week 41. A full 40 weeks :)