Sunday, September 9, 2007

No class.

We went to our basic infant care class yesterday. First of all, I was the only guy there wearing actual shoes. Every other guy there was wearing some sort of sandal. And they didn't all look like hippies. One was even an Aggie that made his wife leave early so they wouldn't miss too much of the game. So close, Fresno State.

Second of all, we suck at swaddling. SuperWife blamed it on the blanket - too big, she said. But I'm pretty sure that we could have had a blanket custom fitted to our little fake baby, and we still wouldn't have got it. We definitely need some swaddling practice before Number One arrives.

And then of course, there was Macho Dad two tables over whose swaddle was so tight you could've bounced a quarter off it. You could tell he took every such challenge as a threat to his masculinity. Congratulations, champ, your swaddles would pass Marine Corps inspection. Now put on some regular shoes.

Other than that class was great. We sat in the back, laughed at the cross-eyed babies in the video and generally acted like delinquents. We're going to be awesome parents.

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