Saturday, August 2, 2008

Been awhile.

So it's been awhile since I last posted. I've been somewhat conflicted as to whether I should maintain this or let it go to reduce my online presence. The Internet is a crazy place.

Number One has been doing all sorts of new things. She's crawling, pulling up, eating grown-up food. All sorts of things.

She's still a shrimp. Smaller than almost every other baby we see, even most that are a couple of months younger than her. Dr. says she's fine, so I'm not going to even think about it anymore.

I'm thinking as she does more stuff and stuff I'll update the site with some anecdotes. For now, a haiku:

Eating spaghetti
With a spoon and fingers too
Dinner adventure

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nice update. We miss you all!!!!!!!
Kiss my niece for me.