Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Four months.

Number One had her four-month Dr. appointment yesterday. It's hard to believe it's been four months already.

According to the Dr. she's doing perfect. She's a little on the small side, but nothing to be worried about and she's growing regularly - hitting all her developmental milestones and whatnot. Dr. also answered all my paranoid questions, like "She seems to be lefthanded, do I need to try to use her right hand more so she gets adequate stimulation for both sides?" (Answer: No. Stop being a weirdo.)

As for the milestones, here's what we've got so far:

1. Transfers toys from one hand to the other.

2. Puts everything she can grasp in her mouth.

3. Much prefers standing to sitting, though Mom is encouraging sitting when Number One will comply.

4. She can hold her upper body erect when standing or sitting, but still needs some work on balance.

5. Cute as hell.

Mom is going with pure breastmilk until at least six months, so nothing to report on the feeding front.

Also, Number One had to get five shots in the leg. She was not happy, and I couldn't watch.

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