Monday, December 31, 2007

Tremendous Opportunity.

Disney and the other so-called "children's entertainment" companies are excited about creating virtual worlds for kids online.

"There is a massive opportunity here,” said Steve Wadsworth, president of the Walt Disney Internet Group, in an interview last week with the New York Times.

Let's be clear - the "massive opportunity" Mr. Wadsworth is touting, is the opportunity to sell kids shit they don't need - and lots of it.

Apparently it's working:

“It’s really fun to buy whatever you want inside the game,” Nathaniel said in a telephone interview. For his penguin, “like for Christmas I bought a fireplace, a flat-screen TV and a Christmas tree,” he said.

Why does a penguin need a flat-screen TV if not only to convince a 9-year old boy that an overpriced television manufactured by a corporate affilitate is essential to his childhood?

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