Saturday, December 1, 2007

This week's news.

It seems like during the week I hardly have time to post anything, so here's the highlight reel...

Last night Number One was so tired she didn't want to go to sleep. She had been fuss-crying for about two hours, and by about 11 p.m., Mom and I were getting on to our rope's end. Finally, I got Number One to drift off to sleep - in her crib no less.

Then she slept until almost 6 a.m.

It. Was. Awesome.

Superwife decided I have the magic touch.

The other day I was holding Number One right after she had been fed, and she let loose what I can only describe as a Muppet Vomit.

Without warning, she opened her mouth, and half-digested milk shot out like, well, like if a Muppet projectile vomited. Seriously, there was no warning, no apparent strain on her part, and just like that, it was over - imagine if Kermit threw up and then acted like nothing happened.

Number One and I made our first solo trip out of the house this morning. A trip to Whole Foods for the weekly shopping. It was victoriously uneventful.

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