Sunday, April 5, 2009

Obligatory Texas Bluebonnet Picture.

On our way back to Houston after visiting the G-Parents in Dallas this weekend, Number One had just fallen asleep (an hour and a half past her naptime) when she woke up abruptly and very upset.  We needed to make a pit stop, so we pulled into a rest station just north of Huntsville.

Amazingly, it had a playground, which gave Number One a chance to stretch her legs and play long enough to tide her over for the remaining part of the trip.  But more importantly, it had a photogenic patch of Bluebonnets.  

I'd seen them all the way to Dallas and back - Texas in April, once you get past the urban sprawl, is really one of the most beautiful places on Earth - but I didn't want to be "that dad" that pulls over and shoots some pics of his kid on the shoulder of I-45.  This, though, was my chance.

And so, I present to you, the Obligatory Kid in the Bluebonnets Photo.

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