Last weekend Number One wanted some of Papa's coffee, so I gave her some. Mom was not amused. Number One, though, couldn't get enough. (Don't worry, I only gave her a couple of sips, and she's not got any since.)
Her newest fetish is pushing things. Wagons. Strollers. Other kids' toys. If it's got wheels, she'll push it. She can also walk backward now, which doesn't seem like a big thing until you see your kid do it for the first time.
New words: Down! Said to the cat who shouldn't be on the table.
A-ya, A-ya, A-ya, A-ya! "Sang" to the tune of "Baby, Baby, Baby, Baby, I cleaned out my trailer for you."
You know I read:) Welcome to teeth world. One thing that I didn't think about is teeth = ability to BITE. Not to mention the daily battle that is brushing the teeth. You'd think we were forcing her to eat brussels sprouts or something. Love and miss you all.
Now a sings the "yeh, yeh, yeh" part. They can have a duet when they see each other:)
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