Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Ups and downs.

This morning, I stayed home with Number One while wife went to a doctor's appointment.  We took a walk to the coffee shop.  It was one of those beautiful winter mornings in Houston - sunny, about 75 degrees.

Watching Number One watching the world made me jealous of parents who get to spend each day with their kids.

We came home, shared a blueberry muffin.  She laid down on her blanket.  She took a nap. 

Sweetest thing you've ever seen.

Tonight, I came home and sat down with her at dinner.  She looked ready to burst into tears at any moment.

After dinner, into the bathtub.  Total meltdown.  No apparent reason.  Only option was to get her into her pajamas and into to bed as fast as possible.

She's sleeping now.

Sweetest thing you've ever seen.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Two Words

Number One has begun putting together two-word combos.

So far we've had:

No mo.

Mo gee bee.   (More green beans)


All done.

My little wordsmith.

Sunday, February 8, 2009


We thought she'd be toothless forever, but Number One finally has some chompers coming in on both the top and the bottom.  She's nearly 16 months now, and every other baby on the block got teeth long ago.  We're so proud our little girl is growing up.

Last weekend Number One wanted some of Papa's coffee, so I gave her some.  Mom was not amused.  Number One, though, couldn't get enough.  (Don't worry, I only gave her a couple of sips, and she's not got any since.)

Her newest fetish is pushing things.  Wagons.  Strollers.  Other kids' toys.  If it's got wheels, she'll push it.  She can also walk backward now, which doesn't seem like a big thing until you see your kid do it for the first time.

New words:   Down!  Said to the cat who shouldn't be on the table.

A-ya, A-ya, A-ya, A-ya!  "Sang" to the tune of "Baby, Baby, Baby, Baby, I cleaned out my trailer for you."