Sunday, January 13, 2008


It's not often that I'm solely responsible for the health and well being of Number One (sure, I take her out shopping at least once a week, but I always know that I can make a mad dash for home should the situation get too far out of control), but today she was 100 percent my responsibility while SuperWife went to get her hair done.

The plan was I could work from home as time allowed. Fat chance. There was a minor emergency at work, but thankfully the word came down that it could wait until Monday. Still, even between naps, there was barely enough time to even sit down, much less accomplish any work. I've never pretended that taking care of a baby wasn't a full time job, but it never hurts to give more credit to the moms and dads who stay home to do this very tough work.

Moreover, as hard as I try to be a good involved dad, there's no denying that Mom knows Number One way better than I do. While I'm away at work all day, they're living together, learning each other's likes and dislikes, falling into a schedule that is, if not easy or comfortable, at least knowable to the two of them.

I'm just a tourist.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hey don't worry...
Today was my first day to leave Buttercup and I almost melted (I am made of sugar, you know, and my tears about did away with me.) Tommorrow is D's first 100% day, and he probably feels the same way. You Dads sure are important!!The little ones love you even if you don't get that it is time to lay her on her right side, pointing northeast, just when Venus is orbiting Jupiter,magic inserted, a nice quiet ambiance with mood music playing:) (We didn't know all of this your first days back at work either!!!)

Love you all!