Wednesday, May 27, 2009

This morning.

The morning routine is that Number One wakes up and starts making noises for us to come get her out of her crib.  I go get her and bring her back to our bed, where we have a little family time and Wife and I try to get  a few more minutes in bed.

This morning, I brought Number One into the bed and laid back down as per usual.  She had other ideas, though.

"Papa, get up now," she said.

Wife thought it was hi-larious.

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Momma. Coffee.

The other day, Mom and Number One took a walk to the coffee shop.  When they got back, Mom went to check her email.

Number One climbed onto the kitchen table and helped herself to Mom's double mocha latte.

At least it was decaf.

Monday, May 4, 2009

"Give me money."

Okay, it was funny at first.  

But now it's starting to get a little out of control.

Sunday, May 3, 2009


Oh yeah, by "Hilarious," in the last post, what I meant was "Maybe it wasn't such a good idea to teach her to say, 'Give me my money.'"

5-word phrase.

Number One put it all together today.

"Papa, give me my money," she said.


Friday, May 1, 2009

Copy cat.

Number One pretty much repeats everything we say now - up to three words.

Thus, "Give me my money," is repeated as "Give me money,"  and "That's how I roll" is repeated as "That's how roll."

Pretty hilarious.

Yesterday, as I was leaving for work, The Wife said "Bye, honey."

Number One says, "Bye, honey."